技術摘要: |
A high-resolution remote sensing image is processed through a true ortho-rectification. A totally new idea of H-buffer is provided to store heights of objects on the ground. The ortho-rectification includes a hidden analysis, a hidden detection and a hidden compensation. The process uses polygon patch of a building or a roadway as process unit. In the end, seam lines after hidden compensation are smoothed. The whole process time is reduced in calculations, assures quality of the orthoimage, and meets a requirement of a high-accuracy and high-resolution digital mapping
解決的問題或達成的功效: |
The main purpose of the present invention is to provide a polygon patch approach based on an invented H-Buffer data for hidden analysis.
應用領域: |
適用產品: |
IPC: |
Claim 1: |
1. A method of true ortho-rectification for high-resolution remote sensing image, comprising steps of:
(a) processing a hidden analysis to ground objects in a major image with object-image transformation parameters, together with three-dimensional (3D) building models and 3D roadway models, to obtain height buffer (H-buffer) data by using polygon patch as basic unit for processing;
(b) processing a hidden detection to said ground objects with said H-buffer data to obtain pixels to be stored in an index map, each said pixels are classified into hidden areas, terrain surfaces, buildings and roadways;
(c) processing a hidden compensation to said index map to obtain a said hidden compensation,
wherein each of said hidden areas fetches a gray value from an slave image;
wherein visible areas comprises said terrain surfaces, said buildings and said roadways; and
wherein each of said visible areas interpolate a gray value from said major image;
(d) smoothing gray values of seam lines through a weighting average for obtaining a true orthoimage,
wherein said seam lines are obtained around said hidden areas after said hidden compensation.
聯繫方式 |