


申請日 (校編號) 2014/07/02  (102023US)
專利證書號 9,397,256 美國
專利權人 國立中央大學
發明人 劉正毓、謝之翊、劉晏碩

The present invention relates to an LED structure having a progressive work function layer, which adopts a conversion layer with a gradually varying work function as the medium for forming an Ohmic contact between the p-type GaN and the metal reflection layer. The work function of the conversion layer is not a single value. Instead, different quantities of dopants are doped at different depths of the conversion layer. Thereby, the conversion layer can match excellently the connected p-type GaN and the metal reflection layer. By taking advantage of the high light transmissivity of the material of the conversion layer, the possibility that light is absorbed by the Ohmic contact layer is reduced. The conversion according to the present invention can also block diffusion of the metal in the metal reflection to the p-type GaN. Accordingly, it can be used as both an Ohmic contact layer and a barrier layer. 本發明係關於一種具有漸進式功函數膜層之發光二極體結構,其使用功函數逐步變化的轉化層作為讓p型氮化鎵與金屬反射層達成歐姆接觸之媒介,使此途徑具有低接觸電阻。該轉化層之功函數並非為單一數值,而是透過在不同深度摻雜不同數量之摻雜粒子,使得其可良好地匹配與之相連接之p型氮化鎵以及金屬反射層;另外,亦可進一步透過轉化層所使用之材質對於光的高穿透率,降低光被歐姆接觸層吸收的可能性,並且還可阻擋金屬反射層之金屬向p型氮化鎵擴散,作為兼具歐姆接觸層及阻障層之用途。

the present invention discloses an LED structure having a progressive work function layer, which comprises a semiconductor layer, a conversion layer, a metal reflection layer, a bonding layer, and a substrate. The conversion layer is disposed below the semiconductor layer. The metal reflection layer is disposed below the conversion layer. The bonding layer is disposed below the metal reflection layer. The substrate is disposed below the bonding layer. The conversion layer comprises at least three sub-conversion layers stacked sequentially. In addition, the work functions of the sub-conversion layers decrease gradually from top to bottom. According to the arrangement of the structure, the efficiency of LEDs can be improved. 

The present invention relates generally to a light-emitting diode structure, and particularly to a light-emitting diode structure having a progressive work function layer realized by altering the work function of the conversion layer progressively by doping different number of dopants. 漸進式功函數膜層之發光二極體



Claim 1:
1. A light-emitting diode structure having a progressive work function layer, comprising: a semiconductor layer; a conversion layer, disposed below said semiconductor layer; a metal reflection layer, disposed below said conversion layer; a bonding layer, disposed below said metal reflection layer; and a substrate, disposed below said bonding layer; wherein said conversion layer comprises at least three sub-conversion layers stacked sequentially and with gradually decreasing work functions from top to bottom; wherein the conversion layer comprises a plurality of dopants, and the number of said plurality of dopants decreases gradually from the interface between said conversion layer and said semiconductor layer to the interface between said conversion layer and said metal reflection layer. 1. 一種具有漸進式功函數膜層之發光二極體結構,其係包含: 一半導體層; 一轉化層,設置於該半導體層之下; 一金屬反射層,設置於該轉化層之下; 一接合層,設置於該金屬反射層之下;以及 一基板,設置於該接合層之下;

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