


專利名稱 無線傳送資訊檔系統、無線傳送資訊檔裝置以及無線傳送資訊方法 WIRELESS TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, DEVICE AND METHOD
申請日 (校編號) 2010/11/23  (099039US)
2010/08/12  (099039TW)
專利證書號 9,738,026 美國
I425855 中華民國
專利權人 國立中央大學
發明人 陳彥文、彭亦暄

A wireless transmission system includes several candidate devices, a wireless transmission interface and a wireless transmission device. The wireless transmission device includes a storage unit, a transmission direction information generating unit -and a processing unit. The processing unit receives the device information of each of the candidate devices from each of the candidate devices respectively through the wireless transmission interface. The processing unit calculates transmission direction range according to the transmission direction information, which is generated through the transmission direction information generating unit. The processing unit selects at least one of the candidate devices, which matches the transmission direction range. Wherein, the selected at least one candidate device is taken as at least one transmission target device. The processing unit transmits the information to be transmitted, which is stored in the storage unit, to the transmission target device through the wireless transmission interface.

A wireless transmission device of the wireless transmission system can transmit information to the device in the direction input by users.

transmission system, device and method.


H04B7/086; H04B7/0426; H04B7/0617

Claim 1:
1. A wireless transmission system, comprising: a plurality of candidate devices, each of the candidate devices comprises: a device information generating unit for generating device information of each of the candidate devices; a wireless transmission interface; and a wireless transmission device for building connection with the candidate devices through the wireless transmission interface, wherein the wireless transmission device comprises: a storage unit for storing information to be transmitted; a transmission direction information generating unit for generating transmission direction information; and a processing unit, electrically connected with the storage unit and the transmission direction information generating unit, wherein the processing unit comprises: a candidate device information receiving module for receiving the information of each of the candidate devices from each of the candidate devices respectively through the wireless transmission interface; a direction range calculating module for calculating transmission direction range according to the transmission direction information; a selecting module for selecting at least one of the candidate devices, device information of which matches the transmission direction range, wherein the selected at least one candidate device is taken as at least one transmission target device; and an information transmitting module, transmitting the information to be transmitted to the transmission target device through the wireless transmission interface.

聯絡人:研發處智權技轉組 與我連絡
電話:03-4227151 #27076、27077 網址:http://www.caic.ncu.edu.tw/
地 址: 32001桃園市中壢區中大路300號