


具多孔隙網路結構之燃料電池觸媒及其製作方法 Catalyst for a Fuel Cell and Method for Producing the Catalyst Thereof
專利名稱 Prous Catalyst for a Fuel Cell and Method for Producing the Catalyst Thereof
申請日 (校編號) 2010/09/24  (098039US)
2009/09/25  (098039TW)
專利證書號 8,273,679 美國
I389378 中華民國
專利權人 國立中央大學
發明人 諸柏仁、楊志偉、張傑鈞、李皇諭

A porous catalyst includes at least one noble nano-metal particle, an oxide for forming porous structures, and a carrier material for supporting the oxide and the at least one noble nano-metal particle. The porous catalyst shows a large electrochemical surface area and a highly conductive ability. Further, the noble nano-metal particles are separated on the oxides uniformly, and the oxide of the catalyst forms a porous structure to provide a large electrochemical surface area. The porous catalyst provides excellent proton/electron transfer ability and increases the reaction rate. 一種燃料電池觸媒及其製作方法。該觸媒系統由奈米金屬觸媒承載於具電子導電性之中空管狀金屬氧化物所構成。該觸媒兼具奈米管的高表面積及高導電度之特徵。由於具催化性質之奈米金屬如Pt單金屬或PtRu合金能夠均勻分散於金屬氧化物之表面,而中空管狀之載體能提供高反應表面積,容許反應中離子及電子的快速傳遞及提高原料使用效能可有效提昇電化學反應效率。基於此二特性此一觸媒展現較先前技藝更優異的燃料電池催化活性。

a catalyst for a fuel cell which comprises at least one noble nano-metal particle, an oxide for forming porous structures, and a carrier material for supporting the oxide and the at least one noble nano-metal particle. Preferably, the porous carrier material is made in a shape of a particle, a tube, a star, or a layer. 一新穎結構組成和化學的手段製備具有多孔隙通道網路結構之穩定觸媒。該觸媒可同時提供電化學反應中離子電子及原料的快速傳遞,達成提高放電效率之功用。

The present invention relates to a catalyst for a fuel cell and a method for producing the catalysts thereof. In particular, the present invention relates to a porous catalyst for a fuel cell and a method for producing the porous catalyst thereof. 燃料電池觸媒



Claim 1:
1. A method for producing a catalyst composition for a fuel cell, comprising: adding a carbon material and a metal oxide doped with nitrogen into an organic solvent with reductive ability to form a mixture; mixing the mixture; adding a precursor of a noble nano-metal particle into the mixture; heating the mixture containin the recursor of the noble nano-metal article to make precursor reduce to a noble nano-metal particle, wherein heating the mixture is provided as a recurrent flow heating method or a microwave heating method; and removing the organic solvent to obtain the catalyst composition. 1.一種具多孔隙網路結構之燃料電池觸媒,包括:提供電子導電網路的碳材載體;維持觸媒多孔隙結構之中空孔洞結構氧化物以及承載其上之執行催化反應之奈米金屬,其中該中空孔洞結構氧化物為二氧化鈦奈米管,並於管中掺雜1-25%(原子摩耳比Atomic mole ratio)之氮原子於管狀結構中。

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