


發光二極體之製造方法 Method for Manufacturing micro-Light Emitting Diode by wet etching
專利名稱 發光二極體之製造方法Method for manufacturing light emitting diode
申請日 (校編號) 2009/09/10  (097058US)
2009/02/20  (097058TW)
專利證書號 8,168,455 美國
I371121 中華民國
專利權人 國立中央大學
發明人 劉正毓、林詠勛

A method for manufacturing light emitting diode (LED) is revealed. By means of wet etching, a plurality of pyramids is formed on epitaxial structure. The depth of the pyramids is beyond a n-type semiconductor layer, reaching a p-type semiconductor layer. Thus light emitting directions of the LED made by the method of the present invention are increased. Therefore, the light emitting efficiency of LED is improved.

it is a primary object of the present invention to provide a method for manufacturing light emitting diode that forms a plurality of pyramids on epitaxial structure by wet etching so as to increase light emitting directions and further improve light emitting efficiency of LED. It is another object of the present invention to provide a method for manufacturing light emitting diode in which conditions of wet etching are controlled so that the depth of wet etched epitaxial structure is beyond the light emitting layer and is reaching the first conductive layer, or even cutting the LED.

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing light emitting diode (LED), especially to a method that manufactures the LED by wet etching. 



Claim 1:
1. A method for manufacturing light emitting diode comprising the steps of: transferring an epitaxial structure to a transfer substrate and the epitaxial structure having a first semiconductor layer, a light emitting layer and a second semiconductor layer stacked on the transfer substrate in turn; wet etching the epitaxial structure, through the second semiconductor layer to the first semiconductor layer and forming a plurality of pyramids on the epitaxial structure; forming a protective layer on the plurality of pyramids on the epitaxial structure; and forming a transparent electrode layer on the epitaxial structure and on the protective layer. 

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